Hello, welcome to my blog for Sacred Schooling. There are many of us today who realize the unique differences our children have and hope to allow them to become messengers or follow their karmic path for the benefit of our world. Sacred Schooling: A Curriculum to Guide Our New Humanity is one way that we can encourage our children to do just that. I was inspired to write Sacred Schooling by my 5 homeschooled children. They were discovering things about themselves and had questions that couldn't be answered with other homeschooling resources that are currently available. Their thirst remains unsatisfied as I still have some miles to go to publish this much needed guide.

We all can use this guide, whether homeschooled or not and can even benefit as adults as we learn along with our children. Please spread the word to all those who can benefit from this guide and invite friends to join the Sacred Schooling ning at
http://sacredschooling.ning.com/ or to become a follower for this blog http://sacredschooling.blogspot.com/

Our new humanity needs this book to help enlighten our world. I am full of gratitude for all the world wide support I already have for this guide.

Note: I do not necessarily support the ads listed on this blog or the ning.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

"Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars"

Isn't that from "Star Search"? I found myself thinking these words a lot lately. Entering a contest is a very emotional experience. Being "judged" is not a welcome event with me. But I suppose I'm not really judged- it's more that support is being directed my way. I feel the support coming. It feels good.

On a different note, I've been thinking about that above quote because of some words I read from Brenda Davies,M.D. book The Seven Healing Chakras....
"So many people who embark on spiritual work forget this [to remain rooted] and come so cut off from their lower chakras that they have an airy fairy feeling around them that not only robs them of the security of their root chakra, leaving them open and vulnerable, but also does untold harm to the whole healing and complementary medicine movement. Beware of those who seem to be floating around on some higher plane. Those who are really in touch spiritually are very human and ordinary, albeit in an extraordinary way."

These words ring true for me because I for a long while I stayed away from jumping in with my idea for this book with both feet because I had a thought that I'd be judged as "airy fairy". Perhaps there are some out there who believe I'm off my rocker. Perhaps there are those who want to endorse my book but are afraid they will be judged as "airy fairy". I believe being a messenger for our new humanity is to finally bring Sacred Schooling and personal spirituality in to the main stream. Just as buying "organic" used to be for the "hippies" and "crunchies", so too will meditation and unlocking energy centers labeled "new age nonsense" also pass.

I highly recommend we all "Keep your feet on the ground [keep a secure root chakra] and keep reaching for the stars [your higher self]".

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